When is Venetian Festival held? – Venetian Festival is held, starting, the 2nd Wednesday in August annually.
Are children allowed in the beer tent? – Children are allowed in the beer tent during daytime hours with parents. No one under age 21 is allowed in the beer tent “after” 6PM.
Are dogs allowed at Venetian Festival? – Dogs are allowed in the parks per Lake Geneva city ordinance. Please check the local city ordinance if you are unsure. Dogs are not allowed in food areas or in the beer tent.
Do you have a lost and found? – Yes, lost and found can be obtained by locating a Lake Geneva Jaycee Crew Chief or Banker in the Jaycees Entertainment Pavilion (beer tent).
Is alcohol allowed or sold anywhere other than the beer tent? – Alcohol is not allowed in any city park without a prior permit. The Lake Geneva Jaycees hold a class B temporary permit for the sale of beer and malt beverage. You may only purchase and or consume alcohol inside of the Jaycee Entertainment Pavilion.
Where can I park? – Metered parking is available on city streets. There is also free parking available in several city municipal lots and school lots. The Geneva Lakes Family YMCA offers convenient parking within walking distance of Seminary and Flat Iron Parks. For a full list of parking options and maps please click here.
What days does the Carnival have ride specials? – Ride Specials are Wednesday & Thursday from 5PM-10PM & Saturday Noon to 5PM. They cost $35 and require wristbands. They may be purchased at any of the Carnival Ticket Counters at Flat Iron & Seminary Parks. For more information click here.
When do the Fireworks start? – The Fireworks start at “dusk” (dark). This is usually sometime after 9PM US central standard time. They take place at the Geneva Lake Lake Front and are best viewed from Library Park and the Riviera. For more information click here.
How do I sign up for the Baggo Tournament? – The Lake Geneva Jaycees Baggo Tournament is held in the Lake Geneva Jaycees Entertainment Pavilion located at Flat Iron Park. You can Register for the Tournament here.
When does the Boat Parade Start? – The Boat Parade takes place at dusk, after the water-ski show and just prior to the fireworks. For more information on entering your boat and this years theme click here.
Do you have a shuttle or bus? – The city of Lake Geneva provides Free Downtown Shuttle Bus Service during Venetian with several pickup and drop off locations. Please see our Transportation Information page for full details and bus schedules.
Do you have a Facebook page? – Yes, our Facebook Page for Venetian Festival is located here: https://www.facebook.com/venetianfestival
Where can I buy Beer Tokens? – Beer Tokens are available for purchase in the Lake Geneva Jaycees Entertainment Pavilion in Flat Iron Park. You must be 21 to purchase tokens and they can be redeemed in the Beer Tent.
Do you have ATM’s? – Yes, we have several ATM’s located throughout the festival grounds in Library, Seminary and Flat Iron Parks.
How can I become a Sponsor of Venetian Fest? – Several Sponsorship opportunities are available from Banners to Nightly Band Sponsorships. Please contact info@lakegenevajaycees.org for a rate sheet and more information.
How can I join the Lake Geneva Jaycees? – The Jaycees are open to young people 41 and under. To learn more or to join please visit the Lake Geneva Jaycees website here.
Where is the best place to view the Fireworks? – The best viewing areas are along the lake front in Library Park and along Riviera Beach facing towards Geneva Lake.
Where can I buy tickets? – Venetian Fest is a FREE community event Sponsored by the Lake Geneva Jaycees. There is NO cost to attend the event itself. Carnival Rides require tickets/wristbands which may be purchased at the Carnival Ticket Booths. Beverages, Food and other forms of entertainment are available for purchase as well. The Arts & Crafts Fair is FREE as well.
How long are beer tokens valid? – Beer tokens purchased during the Venetian Festival are valid all week. If you purchased tokens on a Wednesday and return again on Friday, you may redeem those previously purchased* tokens for beverage purchases only. *Tokens from previous years are NOT valid. Tokens may NOT be redeemed for cash.
May I re-enter the Jaycees Entertainment Pavilion after paying a cover charge? – Jaycee Security at the main entrance has a hand stamp station so you may re-enter the Entertainment Pavilion without paying another cover charge.
Is food allowed in the Jaycees Entertainment Pavilion? – Yes, food purchased at the carnival and from the various Civic Groups is allowed in the Entertainment Pavilion. We encourage you to support the YMCA, Lions Club, American Legion and Animal Shelter food booths! Outside beverages are allowed, however they must be NON-Alcoholic. Alcohol may only be purchased from the Jaycees inside the Entertainment Pavilion.
Is there a dress code? – We ask that you dress accordingly, for weather. Wear shirt and proper footwear for your safety. Please remember this is a family event too!
Do you accept Credit Cards? – The Jaycee Entertainment Pavilion is accepting payment via PayPal for credit cards*. Civic Groups require cash payment. Vendors at the Arts and Crafts Fair take cash and credit cards depending on the vendors own policies. There are also ATM machines located throughout the Festival Grounds. NOTE: Credit Card payments may incur a small service fee.
What happens if there is rain Sunday evening, will the Boat Parade and Fireworks take place? – Baring the threat of lightning or other eminent dangers, both the Boat Parade and Fireworks will take place as scheduled.